Is Email Marketing Dead?

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Email marketing dead?

Why Email Marketing Is Good For Your Business? Many business owners tend to look for ways to get the customers/clients they want and will do so in a way that efficient, convenient, and won’t interfere with their budget. If you are searching for ways to not only reach target audiences but built a strong relationship, consider incorporating email marketing campaign as a way to reach desired goals for your business.

The short answer to this is no.

But there’s more to it than that: Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate. We cannot imagine the world without these powerful platforms. Many individuals use these platforms to communicate with friends, family, and companies. People use social media to communicate with businesses to obtain the latest news about products and services. So, what does this have to do with email marketing? Well since the social media platforms came to prominence, many have wrongly stated that email marketing is no longer useful. Before social media, we used emails to communicate with a variety of entities. It seemed as though email communication was the main way to communicate through the web. It was for a certain period of time until social media came into play around the late 90s. As the years went by, social media became the focal point. Today, there are many individuals who have multiple social media platforms. It almost makes you think that email is no longer the best way to market goods and services.

This is certainly not the case. In fact, only 61% of users on the internet utilize social media platforms. Do you know how many internet users utilize email? About 94% percent. What’s even more astonishing is that the conversation rates for email marketing are higher than utilizing social media to market products and services. Still not convinced that email marketing is not dead? Let’s provide you with a couple of other quick facts: Did you know that 61% of consumers enjoy getting promotional emails weekly? Lastly, email marketing can still make and save businesses a lot of money. Every time a business owner decides to spend $1 on email marketing, that business owner can expect to get an average return of $38. This proves that even in the age of social media, you can still market products and services and obtain growth by incorporating email marketing.

Email Marketing Stats 2018

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is utilizing electronic mail to promote products and services to consumers. In some form or another, almost every consumer has been impacted by email marketing. Take the shopping experience, for example. When individuals go to a certain establishment, such as a clothing boutique or a furnishing store, they look for products that are of their liking. After browsing, they decide to purchase the products. They go to the cashier counter, and while the transaction is being completed, the cashier will ask them to sign up for the company’s email list. The cashier convinces them to provide an email address by stating the many promotions and discounts they will receive. The consumers are happy about their purchase and now they know that they will receive great offers in the future. That is just one of the ways people are impacted by email marketing. If you are a business owner that is searching for an efficient way to obtain growth for your company, email marketing is a powerful way to get your next consumer to be a loyal customer for years to come.

Why Email Marketing Is Good For Your Business?

Many business owners tend to look for ways to get the customers/clients they want and will do so in a way that efficient, convenient, and won’t interfere with their budget. If you are searching for ways to not only reach target audiences but built a strong relationship, consider incorporating email marketing campaign as a way to reach desired goals for your business. Below are some of the reasons why you should consider email marketing as a way to help your business obtain profits.


Many businesses look for the latest advances in marketing that will help them obtain the desired audiences. Thousands of dollars can be spent monthly to have a successful marketing campaign, especially if social media platforms are being utilized. Creating an email marketing campaign is by far one of the most affordable ways businesses can start getting clients/customers. How affordable are we talking? As we have mentioned, for every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect $38, on average.

Email Marketing Affordability & Return on Investment

Lead Generation:

Everybody likes a discount. Better yet, everybody loves to get free stuff. You can create a lead magnet to help you deliver your message, while convincing individuals to provide their information by using discounts or other forms of promotions. Some of the lead magnets you can use include infographics, templates, or checklists.

Content Promotion:

You can incorporate in your email valuable content that is relevant to your clients/customers. Some of the content that you can include links to your business’s blog, links to social media platforms. You can also include videos, images, and copy that is compelling and helps create an action.

Brand Awareness:

Using email is one of the best ways to keep your business in the minds of your clients/customers. Always make sure to send emails that are relevant. Also, always have your customers in mind when creating emails. The question “How is this relevant to my audience?” should always be answered before pressing send.

Is this relevant to my Audience?

“How Do I Begin?” Email Marketing Tips To Help You Find Success

Like any form of marketing strategy, creating an email marketing campaign can be an intimidating undertaking. Fortunately, there are ways to help make your path to having a campaign with positive results much easier. Simply follows the tips below, and you will be on your way to reach the goals that you have set out to achieve for your business.

Subject Line:

Individuals can receive an incredible amount of emails per day, so make sure you write a subject line that is captivating. Use words that will make email users want to click on your email. When writing a subject line, make sure it relates to the content in your email. Most importantly, don’t bait switch.

Mobile Optimize:

There is a significant amount of people that use their mobile devices to check their emails. About 3 out of 5 people check their mobile devices such as laptops and phones to respond to emails. For this reason, ensure that your email is mobile-friendly. It may seem obvious, but many business owners don’t take advantage that an email campaign can be a tremendous success when you have mobile users in mind.

Why Mobile optimise your emails


When writing emails, make sure the tone of the email has elements of humanity. Write the way people speak. People have emotions. They are evocative. People don’t like to interact with organizations that seem distant and cold. Depending on the audience, make sure you write copy or incorporate content that will make a strong connection.

Build Your Own List:

Collecting email address and other contact information may seem like a difficult task. Well, to be honest, it can be. But there are ways in which you can create the perfect email list for the needs of your business. One of the best ways to do so is by creating powerful content that will connect with your email users. You can also incorporate email share buttons in your emails to encourage your users to refer your business to their friends.

Stick To A Schedule:

It is important to send emails in a consistent and timely manner, like in the case of a newsletter. This will ensure that your business will be in the minds of your consumers.

Should I Start An Email Marketing Campaign For My Business?

As you can see, there are numerous reasons as to why you should consider initiating an email marketing campaign. It is a cost-effective way to create a positive impact to your business. It is also one of the best strategies to use if you are looking to create and maintain a strong relationship with your clients/customers. Find out if establishing an email marketing campaign is right for your business at b.iD.

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